Saturday 28 July 2012


'When a person really desires something, all the Universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream'- one of the famous quotes by Santiago in 'The Alchemist'. Representing these quotes and building a plot through a 'Friendship' film which titled  'Cinema Company'. The film having fresh faces which featuring the main roles and Scripted & directed by Mamas. 'Cinema Company' opened on 27/07/2012 and received mostly Negative responses.

The film tells about the 4 friends relationship of Paul, Parvathy, Varghese Panicker & Fasal ( the gang known as Cinema Company). Their aspirations & dreams to realize a 'Film' and how it will Succeed?  

'Cinema Company' - misses the good story. Implying to the 'title', Sequences and dialogues are apt but it were dipping in schmaltz and the film has typical scenes which specially introducing the main character's life and their friendship. Its plot is inconsistent to the story. 

Passable performances have given from the debut Castings include Bansil, Sanjeev, Badri, Sruthi are done the lead roles. Although Krishna, Lalu Alex, Kottayam Nazeer etc. are handling the mild roles, they have identity in their parts. Baburaj done a cameo role which seems like his usual performances from his previous films, but its just a passing.

According to the reliable Sources, Director Mamas embarked on this film's paper works before his first movie 'Paapi Appacha'. So When it holds the expectations before release because it will become to the 'Good-Youthful entertainer'. But the viewers didn't Satisfy thoroughly because it is an ordinary film which has usual friendship factors. The Script has affected by some slip-ups, especially it includes joyless comedy, unreliable twists etc. Good backing have including for Cinema Company's technicalities- Jibu Jacob captures the colourful visuals, Sreekumar Nair's editing, title designing and promotion works etc. Alphonse Joseph composed the graceful BG Scores & Musics for this film. Specially, its theme music and end credits with named 'Thick Rap'
Altogether, besides debut faces handling the lead roles, 'Cinema Company' has nothing special in Story.

Grade:   Cinema Company's products is weak.
Rating:   2/5

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